Welcome to the dark side!
Turns out the dark side is full of carbon footprint, side projects and past lives. Also, I went to school for comics (it’s a thing), and that somehow made the cut.
Looking for fellow do-gooders?
I created Sardines as a platform for volunteers and activists.
Cat videos are toxic. Literally.
I launched Backbone to raise awareness of the internet’s environmental impact.

I love nothing more than bad jokes and wiggly arms.
Snapshots from the lovely climb to 10,000 hours.

I followed an intensive Motion Design course at the Pratt Institute in NYC.
Check out my mad skillz.

Remember that 200 page report from the SSRC? Thought so.
I rebranded a centenary institution and made social science accessible.
I’ve been trading fitness classes for design projects for a while. So far, it’s working out.
Ready to sweat?

My headphones and ears fused years ago. This collaboration was inevitable.
I helped Sony Music develop its brand identity on music streamers.

Exciting clients, talented teams, all nighters.
I won all the meme battles at creative agencies.

Great music. Exclusive content.
All at your feet.
I imagined a music lover’s ultimate treasure hunt.