Illustration & Comics
I dedicated a full year to earning a certificate in Comics & Cartoon Studies.
I studied character design, scriptwriting, figure drawing, action drawing techniques, storyboarding, color theory and bookmaking.
In 2014, I was a nominee for the Promising webcomic award for my digital work at the annual Angouleme International Comics festival, the biggest of its kind in Europe.
Kleptamingo is a short (24 pages long), duotone story centered around the theme of kleptomania. It is a part of a fanzine collection entitled ‘Kleptomanie’ featuring 11 other authors.
It revolves around the character of Russell, who finds himself kidnapping a pink flamingo for reasons he doesn’t fully understand.

No Sex Anywhere
No Sex Anywhere is a autofictional black & white fanzine (24 pages) about failed love stories.
Shame and embarrassment ensue.

Personal projects & commissions
I regularly updated a blog for over 2 years, and was commissionned several times for full page comics.
Techniques include digital, ink, watercolor, pencils…scenario, jokes, storyboarding, coloring are all on me!

A selection of personal and commercial work.
Gangster Card Deck
This project originally started as an exercise in editorial illustration.
Joseph Rodriguez photographed Los Angeles gang members in the 80s, then went back in 2016 to interview the same subjects. Most of them seemed to have become regular ol’ people. I thought it would be fun to picture these iconic figures as two sides of the same card.
I am currently creating more cards on the same theme, separating the families in 4 different US cities and decades.

Misc Illustrations
Various techniques for various illustration projects.